B2B vs B2C - What is the difference

B2B vs B2C – What is the difference?

Inside the business world, there are a number of models that can be applied for strategic growth. However, when you just start a project, it is difficult to know where to start guiding your business, therefore, in such cases studying Professional Master`s Degree MBA in Digital Business can help you to form the roots of your start up; for now, you will find two of the most common models in this area.

B2B vs B2C – What is the difference?

You will come across the acronyms B2B and B2C very often, which is why you should know what they mean, and therefore differentiate between them.

Firstly, we have the B2B model, which stands for Business-to-Business; this model corresponds to transactions carried out between companies. Its focus is on offering solutions to corporate needs, giving the target company services or products that will be crucial in the sale to the end consumer. The target of this model tends to be a little more varied as it is about bosses, administrators or CEOs of a company, so creating a buyer persona is more ambiguous with respect to their information.

B2B vs B2C

The B2B business focuses on satisfying all customer needs as quickly as possible, and, if possible, on recurring, long-term relationships in which the lifetime value of the customer is of particular importance, and therefore when providing a product or service, relationship and loyalty must be a fundamental objective in negotiations.

On the other hand, there is the B2C model, which stands for Business-to-Customer; this type of business is based on transactions from companies or professionals to individual customers. B2C customers, being private individuals, tend to have a more specific profile, so their age, interests, gender and income must be defined.

This model is for companies offering mass consumer goods and services. The market is broader and customers are divided according to interests, age, location or purchasing power. The sales presented in this model aim to be occasional rational purchases, in spite of that, the acquisition of the product or service will not always be to seek personal satisfaction, it may also be to meet a need.

However, marketing strategies in B2C business models appeal to the emotional, subjective input of the product or service, which makes this quite relative.


As you can see, one of the clearest differences between the B2B model and the B2C model is the target audience, additionally, the time that is dedicated to the customer and the purchase decision, because for the first model it will take more time to make a decision and becoming a regular customer is key to this, while the customer of the second model may well be a quick purchase in which it supplies a whim or a need, which will take a little time, this will depend on their emotional reasons and decision making.

Finally, you have to take into account that something that can be an influential factor is the quality of the content you present as an advertising campaign, as well as using the appropriate media for your target, i.e., a centennial will not use the same communication channels as a 40-year-old administrator, so always remember to make a good analysis of these profiles depending on what you will offer, and to rely on a specialist in the field of business marketing.